Gain Control Over Your Weight
Are you consuming lots of sugary foods?
Is food becoming a bigger and bigger part of your life?
Do you find yourself eating when stressed or irritated?
Does a whole bag disappear and you're not even present to enjoy it?
Are you tired of feeling trapped in your own body?
We help you on emotional and mental aspect of your relationship with food to help accomplish your weight loss goals. With the amount of information available today, inability to take positive actions is rarely a result of not knowing what to do. In fact, when it comes to weight loss most people know exactly what to do.
The problem is doing it consistently. Anyone can bend their will for a short period of time if it's important enough but even then it's often uncomfortable, even painful, and very difficult to maintain, especially if something doesn't change at a deeper level of the mind.
Learn how to trust your body again. Let’s nourish your soul with what it really needs to be fed. We can help you tap into your subconscious mind and successfully achieve your weight loss goals.
6-Week Weight Mastery Program
We will explore your subconscious mind, integrate a healthy lifestyle, help you take control and separate your emotions from your eating habits. Learn how to trust your body again and to create or recreate a loving relationship with yourself and food. Speed up your metabolism and help yourself make healthy choices so that you can reach your goals. This program also includes a "Weight Mastery Guide to Health" packet and a "Night Time Weight Loss" mp3 recording to help reinforce the techniques learned during the weekly sessions. Each weekly session are 1 hour and can be set up as private or group sessions.
Personalized one-on-one Private sessions
We target and will work on any particular needs you may have that is holding you back. The sessions will be customized to your specific needs.